Well it’s raining and it’s 100% as per the weather bureau’s strange language. Maybe I’m being too hard and what they really mean is ‘you may have rain for one hour or you could have it all day, and in that case, their prediction was correct, the same goes for 30% for example. But however they do it, today was true to the letter of the word. But a boy’s gotta do what a boy’s gotta do and I left home with my poncho and rain pants to walk for six kms with breakfast a tantalising hour away.

The street to this next village went for about 1km. It had two tyre lines of concrete and a strip of green grass down the middle which went over a stream, and stretched out to the village finding yet another direction to get to see countless other villages, this being one of them. I walked through what seemed like a disused village, remnants of a mining town or just Sunday. I returned to the hotel because I had a car to catch.

We headed out to Rottenburg to look for dinner for tonight and found one outside the old town and into the country side. We found one 5kms from home on a lake and in a misty valley.With this booked it was back home again, and for me another long walk out to a ‘further-away village where I found a potential eating place in yet another village. Another few kms and it was back home to ready ourselves for our dinner on the lake.

By the way I am keeping up my kilometre challenge and after nineteen days, I have walked just over 450 kms, well ahead of schedule. Now it was time for dinner at the fishermen’s hut by the series of lakes. A lovely gregarious young owner greeted us with a huge glass of a beautiful drop of German Trocken wine with Silvana grapes. Across the room a dozen fishermen kept cheering us periodically and toasting us, maybe that’s why the large glass.

We’re off to Rottenburg tomorrow after a long hopefully drier walk early so I don’t miss too much time with our friends.