I had to zoom my PD Warrior class today so what to do with my class at 1030 and I, needing to leave my room at 10 – checkout time. So we decided to stay another night.
It was easy to do our more than 10km today as this very natural zoo is so widely spread and monopolised our attention. Cleverly done, this zoo has a very animal friendly environment, and it was often only at the very last moment, that we realised there was a natural barrier between the cougar and lion, and us, their potential dinner.
A cold wind swept through us, as our first animal sighting soon brought us instant warmth. What an absolute delight, these ‘popular insurance brokers’ are, and what a cosy chill ran through us when we saw the nominal ‘watch kat’ standing tall on sentry duty as only a Meerkat can. Soon some cougars were jumping between trees, hurdling and jumping on each other – their light entertainment before returning to meal patrol at the food gate.
Rhinos and Hippos reminding us they are not medicine; nearly extinct Kenyan Bongos; and the rest of those regular zoo residents are seen here in Dubbo in the best captive environment possible.

Sometimes things happen when you least expect
They can be good or bad, it’s not your choice,
For me, it comes from changes I correct
Or when I listen to another voice.
‘Twas at the zoo in Dubbo t’wards the end
Just Koalas – all I want to see,
Said Corrie – “there is still some time to spend,
Let’s go back and search another tree.”
He’d just come down to grab a bite to eat
A beautiful Koala, seen at last,
And on our own we had the perfect seat
To know they’re rarely seen, an extra blast.
Now only two, because they have no food
I hunger less, and now no longer brood.