I love thunder and lightning, especially when I’m not out in it, and tonight the thunder seemed to shake our little room, while our window was in a position where the lightning would simply shine up our room – it was real theatre for me – Corrie was too tired to attend and slept through the entire performance.
It did not happen – the bandage was too tightly attached – the doctor could not withdraw from the bandages’ need to bandage and the patient could not bear to not be bandaged – so one more day travelling along roads again but with a long hill climb with a slippery descent – all of us slipped at one stage or another but just one fall and ok – it was good to be off road again and still with our friends.
We had to backtrack a little and the information we received for our route was underestimated so we had to walk faster to arrive before 2.00 else we would have waited until 5.00. On the way we came to a roundabout that was fenced off to pedestrians, but luckily a driver was being booked; a ‘hoy’ from Sabene had one of the polizia come over to help us over the barricade while the other escorted us across the different exits – by the way, the booked man was drunk – Bertrand had to know!!
We made our way through 2 piazzas and at the far end of the second was our hotel – and I have to say it, not much more cost than a donativo (for we are pilgrims!). This newly renovated building sensitively retains traces and fragments of former grandeur; our ceiling preserves a fragment of frescoe that hints of its glory. This is the first time we have roomed in a piazza – so now is the time for a rest day in the city of Massa where some of your marble may come from.
And all we did was rest and walk about in this curious town – time for wound healing and reflection. Firstly wounds – I am the replacement bandager, navigator, time keeper and room finder, while Corrie retains her position as financier, passport control and technical advisor, while both of us continue our rolls as scroungers for things we didn’t pack or old people need but aren’t feasible to carry e.g. ‘between knee comfort, extra pillow, etc’.
Parkinson’s things – ‘my leaning to the right’ as I walk has corrected itself; I usually have tremors early am but because that is our busiest time they just don’t happen; I’m not getting tired, I guess because the continual exercise and daily adventures keep me stimulated.
Sick bay things – Corrie’s blisters getting better, don’t know how she keeps walking but I have an idea; a bit of a sore neck, probably happens carrying a pack for 6-8 hours; otherwise in good shape. Me – sore back a lot better, bit of a sore shoulder; otherwise going well.
PS: The only way to contact us is by email, not via the blog – but really love to hear from you – we will respond.
Hope life is good
Will and Corrie