Tumbling water greeted us as this huge stream from the myriad of mountains gathered in the valley beside us. It met us in the lower valleys as it pushed against its banks, slowly eating into them. Further up, streams joined from both sides adding to these raw sounds.
It was a long slowly rising slope for the first hour or two, but enough to add to the sweat from hovering cloud humidity, soon fanned by a cool corner breeze.
Wildflowers of yellow, red, pink, white and purple hues coloured the lush green countryside as cattle stood precariously on sharp slopes, deer looked down on us from large rocks and behind trees, while sheep cut paths into almost perpendicular terrain.
Upward slopes are more common as we climb higher and higher, with fewer downhills, as we head for the pinnacle tomorrow. The Grand Combin mountain and its surrounds are just about touchable as we move through this impressive mountain range.
No walkers or bikers anywhere as the track becomes increasingly isolated each day. It doesn’t seem to be a place for casual walkers and the longer distance ones do not expect the high Pass to be open until mid June. This village like many others appears to have closed down for summer as their busy time has gone with winter.